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Christian Leeck

A Chora shaping the Polis. Investigations into the Development of the Chora of Selinus [Eine Chora für die Polis. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Chora von Selinunt]

The Chora in the Archaic-Classical Period. Basic Research

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Regular price €74,00 EUR
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Edition: 1st

Release year: 2024

Number of pages: 546 pages

Images: 104 illustrations, tables and maps

Format: 19.0 x 25.0 cm

Zielgruppe: specialist audience

Genre: specialist literature, Old story, and historische Landeskunde

Sprachversion: DEU – German

ISBN Printed book (softcover): 978-3-910347-56-4

ISBN Printed book (hardcover): 978-3-910347-61-8

ISBN (ePDF): 978-3-910347-57-1


The polis of Selinunte, founded in western Sicily in the middle of the 7th century BC, is in many respects one of the most researched archaeological sites of antiquity. Archaeological teams and ancient historians from all over the world are currently researching various aspects of the urbanity and cultural assets of the polis.

The historian Christian Leeck, on the other hand, sheds light on a niche of research by focusing on the Chora of Selinunte in more detail. As part of the project, the entire data basis was recorded, consisting of individual material finds, archaeological excavation contexts, surveys, textual-literary evidence and landscape-topographical observations. The result is a thematically differentiated reconstruction of the development of the eastern Chora section of Selinunte.

The study takes into account the research desideratum of formulating statements about the inner workings of the Chora in the archaic-classical period by taking a micro-spatial look at the historical landscape. The researcher thus succeeds in finding a methodological key to understanding the history of the polis of Selinus.

Keywords: dissertation, research project, research, state of research, investigations, survey, case study, Selinous, Selinunt, Akragas, Sciacca, Caltabellotta, Herakleia Minoa, Eraclea Minoa, Castelvetrano, Mazara del Vallo, western Sicily, Sicily, southern Sicily, Italy, antiquity, Greek history, archaic, classical, early history, Iron Age, Selinuntines, Chora, area, polis area, territory, landscape studies, historical topography, sacred topography, settlement system, expansion, area extension, intervisibility, population structure, Sicanians, indigenous people, settlement system, acculturation, border discourse, border, population size, infrastructure, road network, border emporia, crafts, maps

About the author

Ancient Historical Research

Christian Leeck, born in Wuppertal in 1981, graduated in Italian studies and history in 2003. Since 2013 he has been an associate researcher at the Chair of Ancient History at the University of Wuppertal. He is a profound expert on the history and topography of the three western Sicilian hen poleis, Selinunte, Himera and Akragas, and their respective hinterlands. As part of his doctoral project in ancient history, he researched the Selinuntine Chora in the field of tension between the core city, the neighboring polis Agrigento and the indigenous settlement system of western Sicily.

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