Information for authors and editors

    Have you written a scientific article, a reference book or a non-fiction book and would now like to publish it and reach potential buyers? Are you the publisher of a series, an anthology or a magazine and looking for the right publisher?

    We would be happy to provide you with more detailed information on the publication projects for print media and e-books in our company. Our information flyer for scientific authors from AKRES Publishing can be found here. Authors for istolé Fiction please contact with an exposé, short CV and reading sample.

    International publisher of history

    International, effective marketing

    Our publishing house publishes monographs, essays, anthologies, museum catalogues, source editions, encyclopedias and magazines. In addition to German and English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese and Romanian can also be used as publication languages.

    We actively market each work in over 25 countries. Orders are shipped worldwide. We attach great importance to marketing campaigns tailored to potential buyers. Sending review copies to trade journals is a matter of course for us.

      Submission of Manuscript Offers

      If you want to send a manuscript to our publisher, you have the following transmission options:

        » E-mail to (files up to 5 MB)

          » Data upload via WeTransfer: Click here and send the upload to

          » Alternatively, you can also send us your manuscript in printed form. In this case, please send the printout to the following address:

          AKRES Publishing
          – Editorial office –
          Remscheider Strasse 45
          42369 Wuppertal

          We ask for your understanding that we cannot return documents submitted by post.

           Authors of fiction who wish to submit a manuscript in the category of istolé Fiction should email directly.

          The information sheet for manuscript submission can be found here.

          As soon as we receive a manuscript proposal, we endeavour to examine it promptly. As a rule, you will receive a binding reply within two weeks.
          Specialist publisher for archeology, classical studies, history.

          Typesetting, work title, cover design

          In most cases, non-fiction books and scientific specialist literature are published by AKRES Publishing without the need for printing cost subsidies. After reviewing the manuscript, in the case of a complex design, it may be that the publisher will ask you to participate in making up the costs of the text typesetting (does not apply to fiction).

          In consultation with you, we will decide on a title for the work and create a concept for the cover design. We are happy to take your ideas into account and incorporate any graphics or fonts you may have.

          Author copies, author discounts

          Authors of the publishing house receive a discount on the retail price for orders from the AKRES Publishing programme. If you would like to place an author order in our bookshop, please create a user account and then contact us by email so that we can apply the discount to your user account.

          You will receive an attractive personal discount on your own works. We will give you more details in the course of preparing the contract for publication.

          7 languages, 10 translation pairs

          Translation, reprint service

          Thanks to a team of more than 30 translators, we can offer you both translation and publication of your book at particularly good conditions. 7 languages and 10 translation pairs are possible!

          As soon as a work is published, we will also discuss with you how you can follow up on your work and publish a revised new edition after a few years with very little effort – and at zero cost!

          Royalties of VG WORT

          To be able to participate in the annual distributions of the WORT collecting society, you must be registered there as a beneficiary and have signed a rights administration agreement. Each individual publication must then be reported. More information can be found on the VG WORT website.

          » Download the information flyer for scientific authors here. «